Voting Location
(Click on picture for larger view.)

Update      Update      Update      Update       Update       Update      Update      Update     Update     Update       Update         Update
The Tellico Village voting location will be relocated to the Tellico Village Community Church. The area of the church that will be used as the voting site was completed in late 1999 and is completely accessible. There are thirteen handicap parking spaces.  See pictures below. 


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There are no proper van accessible parking spaces.
Correction: Provide at least one van accessible space. Cost $50.00

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The front entrance has no level landing or automatic door openers.
*Correction: Post a greeter/door opening person during elections. Cost $80.00

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The ramp leading to the gym has many non complying elements.
*Correction: Locate assessable voting machine in area to eliminate need to use ramp. Cost $0. New voting machine to be provided by Federal Government.

* Not yet approved by ADA
The Tellico Village Rec Center is a private facility not owned by the county. The center may not choose to make the needed corrections. Another alternative may be to locate the polling place in a different facility.


 The County recognizes that some of its polling places are not readily accessible to and usable by persons with mobility impairments.

Some of the County polling places are owned or operated by other public entities subject to title II or by public accommodations subject to title III and, as such, are subject to the obligation to provide program access or remove barriers to accessibility under the ADA. This Agreement does not limit such future enforcement action against the owners or operators of these polling places by any person or entity, including the Department.

Within one month of the effective date of this Agreement, the County will request in writing that the following barriers are removed at Tellico Village Recreation Center, located at (please provide the address). The request will specify that the remediation be completed within one year of the effective date of this Agreement. The County will simultaneously send a courtesy copy of the request to the Department.

a. The three designated accessible parking spaces have no access aisles, signs are mounted such that they can be obscured by parked vehicles, and none of the spaces is designated as "van-accessible." Provide at least one van-accessible parking space served by an access aisle at least 96 inches wide and a sign designating the space as "van-accessible" mounted below the International Symbol of Accessibility in a location that cannot be obscured by a vehicle parked in the space. Provide access aisles at least 60 inches wide for the other two parking spaces designated for persons with disabilities. Standards §§ 4.1.2(5)(a), (b), 4.6.3, Fig. 9, 4.6.4, Fig. 43(b).

b. The front entrance is not accessible because there is no level landing at the door nor does the door have an automatic opener. Provide a level landing or an automatic door opening device. Standards § 4.3.9, 4.13.6, Fig. 25.

The ramp between the main reception area and the gym, where voting occurs, has many elements that do not meet the Standards. Provide a ramp so that the slope of each run does not exceed 1:12; the landings between the runs are 60 inches by 60 inches and level; and handrails on both sides of the ramp comply with the Standards. Standards §§ 4.3.8, 4.5.2, 4.8, Fig.17, 4.26.
